Liam Payne thinks He Could Collaborate Best with Zayn Malik

Of all the guys who were part of One DirectionLiam Payne knows exactly who he’d collaborate best with — and that’s Zayn Malik.
During a new interview with Buzzfeed, the “Strip It Down” singer revealed thatZayn would be the best out of the 1D guys to collaborate with.
“We do really similar types of music,” Liam revealed.
And for a dream music video for the two? It has to include puppies!
“I would like our music video to be right here with these puppies, because this is too much fun right now,” Liam adds.

Hotspot Shield Caught Selling User Data.

With the bold privacy claims made by VPN services, it is slightly ironic how often they find themselves at the receiving end of controversy.
Hotspot Shield, one of the oldest and largest players in the game is being accused of violating the privacy of the very users that it claims to protect.
The allegation comes from the digital rights group Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT), which has urged the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to investigate Hotspot Shield parent company “Anchorfree” for its “unfair and deceptive trade practices”.
The group partnered with Carnegie Mellon University to for investigations.

Tampers With Users’ Devices

The filing, which was first discovered by ZDNet, claims the service inserts JavaScript codes in its users’ devices, which then redirect the devices to websites advertised by Hotspot Shield’s partners.
These codes go way beyond the data the service usually requires for troubleshooting and calibrating devices.
The filing from the advocacy group reads:

Hotspot Shield’s description for its iOS and Android mobile applications declares a “no logs” policy; however, its Privacy Policy, which covers and includes its Hotspot Shield services, describes more elaborate logging practices. Hotspot Shield also monitors information about users’ browsing habits while the VPN is in use. The VPN has been found to be actively injecting JavaScript codes using iframes for advertising and tracking purposes.

Denial By Anchorfree

Anchorfree for its part dismisses such claims and has a “zero knowledge” policy, which means it doesn’t take any identifiable info from its users fearing government inquiries.
However, the filing from CDT claims that the group does log data obtained from its users, contrary to its claim. Unsurprising is also the fact that around 97% of its 500 million users use the free version.
VPN services are usually touted as the first step towards having private connections, given their ability to blanket users from their ISPs and information tracking websites.
Further investigation could once again open up the debate of whether free VPNs are as idealistic and perfectly discreet as they claim to be.

These People Are Cycling from London to Makkah to Raise Money for Syria.

A group of 8 individuals has set out on a cycling journey from London to Makkah, making it the first official Hajj Ride, with an aim to raise money for Syrians.

This is a first-of-its-kind trip, starting from East London Mosque and going through England, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Egypt and finally reaching Mecca, Saudi Arabia after covering 3500 km within 6 weeks.
The cyclists accompanied by two supporting staff will be offering the Hajj. They intend to embark on this historic journey to help spread awareness about the sufferings of Syrians as well as to represent Islam as a religion of peace and fraternity.
The official website for this Hajj Ride says,
“Raise a Million for Syria”.

The riders are:

  1. Abdul Mukith
  2. Shams Uddin
  3. Tahir Akhtar
  4. Abdul Wahid
  5. Muhammad Ehsan Hussain
  6. Sayfullah Nasir
  7. Dobbir Uddin
  8. Shaheb Muhammad
  9. Abdul Akbar
  10. Noor ul Hassan Sarod

These Muslims have already covered 1856 km i.e. 53% of the journey, as per the website’s latest information. They have managed to raise £150,971.24. You can keep a track of their activities on their Facebook page.

Think this is a good and unique idea to improve the image of Islam? Sound off in the comments below.

Pakistani Team Enters Global Genetic Engineering Contest in USA

A team from KPK, iGEM Peshawar, has made it to the International Genetically Engineered Competition (iGEM), which will be held from 9th to 13th November 2017 at Boston, USA.

337 teams from 48 countries will be trying their best to bag the coveted prizes at the annual iGEM event.
Last year, a team from iGEM Peshawar participated in the event for the first time and won the Bronze Medal at the 15th annual event. They earned accolades for their efforts to engineer a bacteria that can detect air pollutants such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide. Their work will go a long way in combating the menace of pollution in many cities.
What was more remarkable was that the team from Pakistan managed the achievement despite competing against over 300 teams which participated in the event.
Students from prestigious universities like MIT, Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge, etc. also took part in the event in a bid to produce genetically engineered solutions to counter the most pressing challenges faced by the world.

IGEM 2017

The team from Pakistan will be presenting their latest project – bio-reporter fish and a bacteria for heavy metal detection in water and the outreach work for Public Awareness and Education – at this year’s event in Boston.
In addition to being selected for the flagship competition, the team from iGEM Peshawar is also visiting different schools to spread awareness of Science and Technology.

Synthetic Biology for solving the issues faced by the world today is the way forward and iGEM Peshawar along with Institute of Integrative Biosciences at CECOS University and Directorate of Science and Technology (DoST), KP are trying their best to put it to good use.
We wish the team best of luck for the endeavor and we hope that more and more students turn to Synthetic Biology to help Pakistan tackle the issues it is facing.

These Images Shows Why Islamabad is called Most Beautiful Capital in The World

Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, is claimed to be one of the most beautiful capitals in the world. With a population of 10 million, it is the 10th largest city of Pakistan. It is the greenest city of Pakistan and also one the most well planned ones. Another point in its favor is that it is home to major and top ranking universities of Pakistan.

If you already aren’t convinced that Islamabad might be the most beautiful city in Pakistan, maybe these picture will convince you!

1. Jinnah Avenue

Photo credits: Alee Nisar

2. Blue Area at night

3. NUST, the largest university in Islamabad.

4. Murree Expressway; linking Islamabad and Murree

5. Centaurus Mall

6. Secretariat Road

7. Centaurus Mall

8. Pir Sohawa Road

9. Faisal Masjid

10. Pakistan Monument

Bonus Picture! Hiking Trails.

Samsung Galaxy S8 Surpassed 20 Million Sale

Samsung recently managed to jump past Intel as the world’s largest chip maker, though, at the time we talked little about the impact of its presence in the smartphone industry on the semiconductor business.
One of the primary reasons why the company finally managed to win the battle against Intel in terms of revenue was its latest flagship, the Galaxy S8.
According to Strategy Analytics, the phone has already seen shipments of 20 million units, which were achieved last month.

More Than 250,000 Sold Every Day

While shipments don’t necessarily equate to similar achievements in terms of actual sales, they do translate to very impressive 278,000 phones shipped per day.
Samsung hasn’t revealed the number of Galaxy S8 smartphones it has sold over this period, but did reveal an increase in sales of around 15 percent, compared to its impressive S7 predecessor, managing to double its sales in some markets over the past year.


The news came after a series of rumours indicated somewhat lackluster sales for the phone, which is almost never true. Due to the higher prices of the flagship, the company also saw a higher average selling price in the last period, which stood at $235, the highest it has been since 2013.
Overall, it managed to sell 79 million smartphones in the second quarter of 2017, which helped it retain its title of world’s leading manufacturer by a good margin of 38 million phones against a pretty stable Apple and a resurgent Huawei.
The Galaxy S8 has provided a very impressive boost in sales for Samsung, which is gearing towards the launch of its second major flagship of the year in the form of Note 8. With anticipation rising every day, the S8 has provided a much needed stable hand in the time leading to the launch on August 23rd.

Summer Season in Pakistan Could Become Intolerable in Few Decades, Shocking Report

Venturing outdoors will soon become deadly for people living in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh due to climate change, predicts a new study.
The climate change will drive heat and humidity to new extremes, which may prove unbearable for many people.
The authors of the study, led by former MIT research scientist, Eun-Soon Im, wrote:
The most intense hazard from extreme future heat waves is concentrated around the densely populated agricultural regions of the Ganges and Indus river basins.

Why This Reports Matter More?

Although majority of the climate research and reports are based on temperature projections, this report — published Wednesday in the journal Science Advances — is rather unique because it considers humidity along with body’s ability to cool down in summers.
These factors combined are commonly known as wet-bulb temperature. It is calculated by taking the air temperature while a wet cloth is wrapped around the thermometer. This method helps in determining humidity and shows how quickly the water will evaporate.
It also helps in determining if the climate change can become dangerous or not.

Study Findings

Scientists claim that human can survive a wet-bulb temperature of 35°C. If the temperature exceeds from that limit, human body has trouble evaporating the sweat. It can lead to heat strokes within just a few hours, which is what happened in Karachi back in 2015.
“It is hard to imagine conditions that are too hot for people to survive for a more than a few minutes, but that is exactly what is being discussed in this paper,” said Stanford University climate scientist Chris Field, who was not involved in the study. “And of course, the danger threshold for punishing heat and humidity is lower for people who are ill or elderly.”
The wet-bulb has rarely crossed 31°C in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh but it is still considered extremely hazardous.
The study clearly states:
Both scenarios play out dangerously for South Asia. But with no limit on global warming, about 30 percent of the region could see dangerous wet bulb temperatures above 31 degrees C (88 degrees F) on a regular basis within just a few decades.
That’s nearly half a billion people by today’s population levels, though the full scale could change as the population grows. Meanwhile, 4 percent of the population — or 60 million in today’s population — would face deadly highs at or above 35 degrees C (95 degrees F) by 2100.
But if the world can limit global warming, that risk exposure declines drastically. About 2 percent of the population would face average wet bulb temperatures of 31 degrees C (88 degrees F) or higher.
This report should not be taken lightly as Pakistan and India have already seen heat waves which have resulted in over 3,500 deaths since 2015.
Source: TheNews
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These are the Most Used Social Media Networks By Country

It goes without saying that social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram are very popular. Facebook just achieved a landmark milestone yet to 2 billion active monthly users.
However, there are still some countries in the world where these services are either not available or banned.

Most Popular Social Media Network By Country

Vincenzo Cosenza, an Italian social media strategist, photographer and blogger has been charting the use of all social media platforms around the world.
He has created a world map of social networks 2017 based on the traffic from January 2017.

As you can see from the map above, Facebook dominates in the western world. Even in Pakistan and India, Facebook continues to be wildly popular.
Additionally, Mark Zuckerberg’s platform is also very much popular in Africa, Middle-East and the Pacific region. With a current user base of 2 billion and growing, expect to see more of the places covered in blue during next year.

Out of 149 countries, Facebook is leading the social media pack with 119 of them using it the most.

The Odd Ones Out

Places like Russia, although they have Facebook users, are still dominated by their local social networks, Odnoklassniki and VKontakte (VK). Both of these platforms use the Russian alphabet and are strongly focused on the Russian-speaking community.
Some territories like Iran, Namibia, Botwana prefer Instagram.

LinkedIn is popular in 9 countries and Instagram is king in 7.

QZone is still very popular in China it seems. With around 653 million users, it’s one of the most used and popular social media network in China. Given the huge database that it has, it seems unlikely that QZone is going anywhere since Facebook is banned in China.
As for Twitter, it seems that Japan is the only country where the microblogging social media network is the reigning champion.
Perhaps the only two networks that are stopping Facebook from total world dominance are QZone and V Kontakte.

Pakistan is The 4th Most Corrupt Country in Asia Pacific Region: Survey Report

Pakistan has been ranked as the 4th most corrupt country in the Asia Pacific region according to a survey conducted by Transparency International.
The survey included responses from 22,000 people across 16 countries and territories.
The survey report read:

Based on the bribery rates for each country/territory and its adult population size, this is equivalent to over 900 million people across the 16 places surveyed.

The results showed that the most corrupt nation was India with a whopping 69% bribery rate. For comparison’s sake, here are the top 5 countries where bribery reigned supreme this year:

  1. India — 69% bribery rate
  2. Vietnam — 65% bribery rate
  3. Thailand — 41% bribery rate
  4. Pakistan — 40% bribery rate
  5. Myanmar — 40% bribery rate

Has Corruption Increased Lately?

Against the backdrop of the recently concluded Panama case saga, some 35% of Pakistanis agreed that corruption has increased in the country recently.

Corrupt Police

The data gathered by the TI survey also had something to say about corruption in law enforcement agencies.
The results of the survey show that people in Pakistan believe that their police is highly corrupt, with over three quarters saying most or all police officers in their country were corrupt (76%).

‘We Are Less Empowered’

Furthermore, according to the survey, people in Pakistan felt the least empowered with only a third agreeing that people can make a difference (33%). This was substantially lower than in any other country.
This is how Pakistan ranked in the polls in comparison to the bribes paid in various sectors:

Poor People Pay More Bribes

When looking at the overall regional results, it was found that about 38% of the people, those who belong to the poorest segments of the society have paid a bribe. This may be because the poor feel that they have fewer alternative options available to them, or because they have less power or influence to avoid paying bribes.
In Pakistan, 64% of the poor people paid a bribe compared to 26% of the rich people.
While concluding the report, José Ugaz, chair of Transparency International said:
Governments must do more to deliver on their anti-corruption commitments. It’s time to stop talking and act. Millions of people are forced to pay bribes for public services and it is the poor who are most vulnerable.